
a Cross Development Platform for Java

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Getting started


  • PC running Linux, Mac OS X or Windows
  • Java Developer Kit 8 or newer
  • Eclipse 3.8 or newer
  • A MPC555 or MPC5200B based controller board

Set up

  • Ensure that you've installed an up-to-date JDK.
    1. Download the JDK from the Oracle website.
    2. Install it by using the setup assistant
  • Install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.
    1. Get the newest version of Eclipse for Java Developers.
    2. Unzip it into C:\Program Files\eclipse or C:\Programme\eclipse, respectively.
  • Install the deep Eclipse plugin from our Update Site.
    1. Start the Eclipse IDE (eclipse.exe)
    2. Open the plugin installation dialog: Help → Install New Software…
    3. Add a new plugin source: Add… → Name: NTB Plugins, Location: → OK
    4. Add the plugin by checking deep Plugin for Eclipse from category „NTB“
  • Install the deep runtime library by extracting the ZIP archive from to C:\Programm Data\deep\trglib (Windows), /opt/deep/lib (Linux) or any other location.
  • Start Eclipse and open the deep perspective.
  • Go to Window → Preferences → deep Preferences and change the default library path to the location where you have extracted the runtime library.

Install Libraries to Access the Hardware

  • If you want to use deep with our MPC555 and the USB-BDI
    1. Install the LibusbJava. For Java 9 and later, make sure that you install the necessary plugin as follows:
      1. Start the Eclipse IDE (eclipse.exe)
      2. Open the plugin installation dialog: Help → Install New Software…
      3. Add a new plugin source: Add… → Name: NTB Plugins, Location: → OK
      4. Add the plugin by checking LibusbJava plugin for eclipse from category „NTB“
    2. Install the plugin mpc555UsbBdi from the same update site and follow the instructions of the plugin installer
    3. Alternatively to step 1 and 2, on Windows, you can use our NTB Windows Driver Package
  • If you use an ARM target instead, i.e. the Zybo with a Zynq, install the OpenOCD toolchain.
getting_started.1599291412.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/05 09:36 by ursgraf