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Installation of the OpenOCD toolchain

OpenOCD can be installed on Windows, Linux and OS-X. Here, the description is limited to Windows.

In order to use OpenOCD, the correct USB drivers must be installed. We suggest using USB driver tool for this purpose. This tool is available solely for Windows.

Installation of the USB driver

  1. Download the USB driver tool, extract and run it.
  2. Connect your FT2232 based programmer, e.g. the JTAG-HS3. If you use the Zybo board, connect the board directly as it has the programmer already packed on the board.
  3. Identify the USB serial converter, which connects to the JTAG bus. Depending on your actual board this will be
    • Avnet MicroZed: Device name: Digilent USB Device, Vendor ID = 0403, Device ID = 6014
    • Digilent Zybo: Device name: USB Serial Converter A, Vendor ID = 0403, Device ID = 6010, Interface = 00
  4. Right-click on the device and select the WinUSB driver to install the driver
  5. If you want to reinstall the default driver choose “Restore default driver

Installation of OpenOCD

  1. You can either compile OpenOCD from the source code or download the precompiled binaries for Windows, which is the preferred method
  2. Extract the archive to your computer
  3. The executable binary is located under: openocd-0.10.0/bin-x64/
  4. The user manual is located under: openocd-0.10.0/
  5. Get ostboards.rar and unpack it into your openocd-0.10.0 directory

Installation of OpenOCD-Interface Plugin

  1. The deep plugin of eclipse needs the openOCD plugin to access the hardware.

or download the precompiled binaries for Windows, which is the preferred method

  1. Extract the archive to your computer
openocd/installation.1599755217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/10 18:26 by ursgraf