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Boot Loader

Your MicroZed boards need a valid boot loader if you want to start it from the QSPI flash.

Check for Valid Boot Loader

  1. Set the jumpers on your MicroZed board as follows
    This will boot the device from the QSPI flash.
  2. Cycle the power. The settings of the jumpers will be read only at power-on! Hence, make sure to cycle the supply power after changing the jumper settings. A soft reset (through the JTAG or by pressing the reset button on the board will reset the board but will not sample the boot mode pins connected to the jumpers.
  3. Use a terminal program to open the COM port on the USB_UART (J2, Baudrate 115200).
  4. Press reset
    This will reboot the device and cause the boot loader to run again
  5. Check if the blue done led lights up. This signals that the boot loader successfully loaded the FPGA.
  6. Check the output of the terminal program. It should show the following output
  7. If one of the two checks fails you have to flash a new bootloader, see below.

Flashing a new Boot Loader

  1. Set the jumpers on your MicroZed board as follows
    This will boot the device from JTAG.
  2. Cycle the power. The settings of the jumpers will be read only at power-on! Hence, make sure to cycle the supply power after changing the jumper settings. A soft reset (through the JTAG or by pressing the reset button on the board will reset the board but will not sample the boot mode pins connected to the jumpers.
  3. Switch the driver for your JTAG-HS3 adapter to FTDI CDM, see IMPORTANT: You must close OpenOCD before switching the driver, else the WinUSB cannot be unloaded.
  4. The program to download can be found in the binaries of Vivado or Xilinx Vitis. You have to either install Vivado or Vitis which doesn't require a license. As Vivado uses lots of disk space we strongly recommend to install Vitis. For the installation see Installing Xilinx SDK. After installation, open a command shell and run the command (Change the command so that the right configuration file is loaded, see The corresponding files can be found in your target runtime library in the directory /rsc. Please make sure that the paths in the following command does not include spaces!
    cmd /C C:\Xilinx\Vitis\2020.2\bin\program_flash -f \\\dfs\bsc.sys\public-programme\deep\lib\rsc\BOOTflink2.mcs -offset 0 -flash_type qspi-x4-single -fsbl \\\dfs\bsc.sys\public-programme\deep\lib\rsc\FSBL.elf -cable type xilinx_tcf url TCP:

    Make sure that the programming was successful with the program printing

    Flash Operation Successful
  5. Switch the driver for the JTAG-HS3 back to WinUSB, see
firstexample/boot_loader.1739880116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/18 13:01 by ursgraf