
a Cross Development Platform for Java

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first_example [2015/03/18 11:11] – created ursgraffirst_example [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== First Example ====== 
-This example will demonstrate how to use the deep compiler to translate a simple Java program and run it on a mpc555 target platform. 
-  - Start eclipse, choose a new workspace and open the deep perspective with Window -> Open Perspective -> Deep). 
-  - //File// -> //New// -> select //Project..., Deep -> //select// Deep Project//. \\ {{:software:deep:ide:newdeepproject.png?400|}} 
-  - Target Library: ✔ use default library path \\ {{:software:deep:ide:targetlibrary.png?400|}}  
-   - Target Configuration: 
-    - Select a board: NTB MPC555 Headerboard 
-    - Select a programmer: NTB MPC555 USB-BDI 
-    - Select a operating System: NTB Simple tasking system 
-    - If you like to have an image file, you can select the corresponding checkbox. This option is not necessary if you use the //NTB MPC555 USB-BDI// to download to the target. \\ {{:software:deep:ide:targetconfiguration.png?400|}} 
-  - Project name: 
-    - Choose any project name (no spaces, no "umlauts") 
-    - ✔ use default location\\ {{{{:software:deep:ide:deep_project_name.png?400&direct}} 
-  - //Finish// creates the project 
-  - The empty project will show on the left side in the package explorer.\\ {{software:eclipse:deep_emptyproject.png?direct}} 
-  - By right-clicking on the source folder (src) in the package explorer choose //New// -> //Package// and add package name //ch.ntb.stud.yourName.helloworld//.\\ {{software:eclipse:newjavapackage.png?400&direct}} 
-  - By right-clicking on the newly created package choose //New// -> //Class// and enter class name //HelloWorld//. 
-  - Open class and enter source code:<code java> 
-package ch.ntb.stud.yourName.helloworld; 
-import ch.ntb.inf.deep.runtime.mpc555.driver.SCI1; 
-public class HelloWorld { 
- static { 
- // 1) Initialize SCI1 (9600 8N1) 
- SCI1.start(9600, SCI1.NO_PARITY, (short)8); 
- // 2) Use SCI1 for stdout 
- System.out = new PrintStream(SCI1.out); 
- // 3) Say hello to the world 
- System.out.println("Hello, world"); 
- } 
-  - Open project file: HelloWorld.deep 
-  - Add the newly created class to rootclasses. It should then look like this:<code>project { 
- #deep-1 
- meta { 
- version = "Mon Jan 05 12:40:12 CET 2015"; 
- description = "deep project file for HelloWorld"; 
- } 
- project HelloWorld { 
- libpath = "I:\deep\lib"; 
- boardtype = ntbMpc555HB; 
- ostype = ntbSTS; 
- programmertype = ntbMpc555UsbBdi; 
- # enter names of rootclasses, e.g. 
- # rootclasses = "test.MyFirstTestClass","other.MySecondTestClass"; 
- rootclasses = "ch.ntb.stud.yourName.helloworld.HelloWorld"; 
- # imgfile = "M:\Workspace\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.bin"; 
- # imgformat = BIN; 
- } 
-  - Connect hardware to PC and power on. 
-  - Open View Dialog under //Window -> Show View -> Other...//. \\ {{software:eclipse:showview.png?400&direct}} 
-  - In the category //Terminal// mark //Terminal// and  confirm with //OK//. \\ {{software:eclipse:viewchooser.png?200&direct}} 
-  - Under //Connection Type// select //Serial// and choose settings according to the settings of the SCI on the target from paragraph 9 above. Check the port number with your operating system. \\ {{software:eclipse:connectiontype.png?200&direct}} 
-  - Mark project file "HelloWorld.deep", either by right-clicking //Run As -> Deep Application// \\ {{software:eclipse:runas_context.png?direct}} \\ or with pulldown menu of the run-button //Run As -> Deep Application// \\ {{:software:eclipse:runas_pulldown.png?400&direct}} \\ will the programm be compiled, linked and downloaded. 
-  - The //USB Log// shows //Hello, World//. 
-  - With {{software:eclipse:run.jpg}} you can recompile and rerun the programm.