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Run Configurations

Run configurations are used to run a project. This will compile the necessary classes, link them together, load the resulting binary to a target and run it.

Creating a New Run Configuration

Create a new run configuration by marking the project file HelloWorld.deep. Then, right-click on it and choose Run As → Deep Application.

Editing Run Configurations

All the run configurations of all projects in a workspace can be edited with Properties - > Run/Debug Settings.

Choose which run configuration of the chosen board you want to run. All the available run configuration (must be defined in the board description file) are listed. One of them can be chosen.

Adding More Run Configurations

  1. Show the run configurations with Properties - > Run/Debug Settings.

  2. Choose which run configuration of the chosen board you want to copy. Press Duplicate to copy an existing run configuration.
  3. Set selection to a desired target configuration, e.g. load program to flash.

  4. Apply stores the new configuration.
eclipse/runconfig.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/10 16:55 by ursgraf