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Use of Index, Offset and Address of an Item

These fields have different meanings according to what a given item represents. Note: Statements in brackets denote a type, e.g. [Class] means an item of type ch.ntb.inf.deep.classItems.Class.

Classes [Class]

  • index: Used to number interfaces, which contain methods called by invokeinterface.
  • offset: Not used, always -1.
  • address: Contains the absolute address of the type descriptor (field size).

Arrays [Array]

  • index: Not used, always -1.
  • offset: Offset of the type descriptor in the memory segment.
  • address: Contains the absolute address of the array type descriptor.

Methoden [Method]

  • index: If instance method → index into method table (starting with 0), if class method → always -1. index is set by the Class File Reader.
  • offset: Offset in bytes of the method starting from the start address of the code of the class of this method.
  • address: Contains the absolute address of the method.

Fields [DataItem]

IMPORTANT Constant References

Important: With constant and static references the const flag dpfConst will not be set. Such fields must be handled like regular non constant fields because the class constructor will access such a field exactly once. Example:
static final Object o = new Object();
  1. Class fields [DataItem]:
    1. Constant fields [NamedConst]:
      • index: Not used, always -1.
      • offset: not used, always -1.
      • address: not used, always -1.
    2. Non-constant fields [DataItem]:
      • index: not used, always -1.
      • offset: Offset in bytes (starting with 0 for the first field).
      • address: Contains the absolute address of the field.
  2. Instanz-Felder [DataItem]:
    • index: Not used, always -1.
    • offset: Offset in bytes starting with 0 (fields of superclasses are accounted for).
    • address: Not used, always -1.

Constants [Constant]

  1. Numbers [StdConstant]:
    • index: If of type float or double → index in the const pool. Else always -1.
    • offset: If of type float or double → offset in bytes in the const pool. Else always -1.
    • address: Wenn es sich um eine Konstante vom Typ float oder double handelt, ist address die absolute Adresse der Konstante (direkt im Konstantenblock). Ansonsten immer -1.
  2. Strings [StringLiteral]:
    • index: Wenn es sich bei der Konstante um einen String handelt, so wird in index der Index des Strings im Stringpool abgelegt.
    • offset: Wenn es sich bei der Konstante um einen String handelt, so wird in offset der Byteoffset des Strings im Stringpool abgelegt.
    • address: Absolute Adresse des konstanten Strings (direkt im Konstantenblock).
dev/crosscompiler/fields_of_item.1427613583.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/25 13:33 (external edit)