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Register Allocation

The ARM architecture offers 16 GPRs. Depending on the implemented VFP version a certain number of floating point registers (extension registers) are present. The figure below assumes 32 EXTRs with 64 bit each. The first 16 EXTRs are interleaved with 32 EXTRs with 32 bit precision.

Register Usage

Registers can be classified as dedicated, volatile or nonvolatile. Dedicated are register with a special purpose, such as the stackpointer. Volatile means, that this register might be used any time. It does not have to be stored when another method is called. Nonvolatile registers must be saved in the prologue of a method before they can be used and after use they must be restored. The number of volatile and nonvolatile registers must be equal for all methods.

Register State Use
R0 volatile 1st. parameter, return value
R1 volatile 2nd. parameter, return value (if long, lower 4 bytes of long)
R2-R5 volatile further parameters, local variables
R6 dedicated scratch register
R7-R12 nonvolatile local variables
R13 dedicated stack pointer
R14 dedicated link register, scratch register
R15 dedicated PC
D0 volatile 1. parameter, return value
D1-D6 volatile further parameters
D7-D10 volatile local variables
D11-D31 nonvolatile local variables

Beside the 32 extension register of the VFPv3 with double prescision, there are 32 single prescision register which are interleaved with the first 16 double prescision registers. When the register allocator reserves a double precision register, e.g. d3, it will mark s6 and s7 as reserved as well. When a single precision register is reserved, e.g. s28, it will mark d14 as reserved as well.

Local variables are assigned volatile registers. However, if the live range of an SSA value incorporates a method call, a nonvolatile register has to be used. These will be assigned in decreasing order from R12/D31. As working registers volatile registers are used. If there are not enough of them, nonvolatiles (just below the locals) are assigned.
Care must be taken when defining which register should be volatile or nonvolatile.
Optimization: If a method is a leaf method, it would not be necessary to copy the parameters from their volatile registers into nonvolatile registers.
For the translation of certain SSA instructions (e.g. of type long) further auxiliary registers are needed. They are assigned and reserved by the register allocator as well. If FPR's are needed for auxiliary registers, they are not reserved but F20..F22 will be used TODO. They are exclusively used in compiler specific subroutines and never need saving.

Parameter Passing

Parameters are passes in R2..R5 and F1..F5.
In the interface armPPC/Registers you can find the definitions about which registers are used for volatiles and nonvolatiles and which are used for parameter passing. Important: the number of parameter registers must be smaller or equal than the number of volatiles.

Locals on the Stack

Most SSA instruction have 2 operands and a result. Each of them can reside on the stack. Operands must be fetched into a free register, the result must be stored onto the stack. A single SSA instruction sCstoreToArray has three operands but no result. Therefore, if stack slots are used, the following registers are reserved and cannot be used freely during register allocation.

Register State Use
R7 dedicated result register or third operand of sCstoreToArray
R8 dedicated first operand of SSA instruction
R9 dedicated second operand of SSA instruction
R10 dedicated auxiliary register
R5 dedicated long part of result or long part of third operand of sCstoreToArray
R4 dedicated long part of first operand of SSA instruction
R3 dedicated long part of second operand of SSA instruction

For floats and doubles: reserve the first 3 non vols

dev/crosscompiler/backend_arm/register_allocation.1542701884.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/20 09:18 by ursgraf