====== Boot Loader ====== Your MicroZed boards need a valid boot loader if you want to start it from the QSPI flash. ===== Check for Valid Boot Loader ===== - Set the jumpers on your MicroZed board as follows \\ {{ qspiboot.png?200 |}}. \\ This will boot the device from the QSPI flash. - Cycle the power. The settings of the jumpers will be read only at power-on! Hence, make sure to cycle the supply power after changing the jumper settings. A soft reset (through the JTAG or by pressing the reset button on the board will reset the board but will not sample the boot mode pins connected to the jumpers. - Use a terminal program to open the COM port on the USB_UART (J2, Baudrate ''115200''). - Press reset \\ {{ microzed_reset.png?300 |}} This will reboot the device and cause the boot loader to run again - Check if the blue ''done'' led lights up. This signals that the boot loader successfully loaded the FPGA. - Check the output of the terminal program. It should show the following output \\ {{ bootloader.png?500 |}} - If one of the two checks fails you have to flash a new bootloader, see below. ===== Flashing a new Boot Loader ===== - Set the jumpers on your MicroZed board as follows \\ {{ jtagboot.png?200 |}}. \\ This will boot the device from JTAG. - Cycle the power. The settings of the jumpers will be read only at power-on! Hence, make sure to cycle the supply power after changing the jumper settings. A soft reset (through the JTAG or by pressing the reset button on the board will reset the board but will not sample the boot mode pins connected to the jumpers. - Switch the driver for your JTAG-HS3 adapter to //FTDI CDM//, see [[https://wiki.ost.ch/display/EDS/Digilent+JTAG-HS3]]. IMPORTANT: You must close OpenOCD before switching the driver, else the //WinUSB// cannot be unloaded. - The program to download can be found in the binaries of //Vivado// or //Xilinx Vitis//. You have to either install //Vivado// or //Vitis// which doesn't require a license. As //Vivado// uses lots of disk space we strongly recommend to install //Vitis//. For the installation see [[https://wiki.ost.ch/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=346161189|Installing Xilinx SDK]]. After installation, open a command shell and run the command (Change the command so that the right configuration file is loaded, see [[https://wiki.ost.ch/display/EDS/MicroZed+Boardhttps://wiki.ost.ch/display/EDS/MicroZed+Board]]). The corresponding files can be found in your target runtime library in the directory ///rsc//. Please make sure that the paths in the following command does not include spaces! cmd /C C:\Xilinx\Vitis\2020.2\bin\program_flash -f \\ost.ch\dfs\bsc.sys\public-programme\deep\lib\rsc\BOOTflink2.mcs -offset 0 -flash_type qspi-x4-single -fsbl \\ost.ch\dfs\bsc.sys\public-programme\deep\lib\rsc\FSBL.elf -cable type xilinx_tcf url TCP: Make sure that the programming was successful with the program printing Flash Operation Successful - Switch the driver for the JTAG-HS3 back to //WinUSB//, see [[https://wiki.ost.ch/display/EDS/Digilent+JTAG-HS3]].